The principle of the code is to condense the binary information (+, -) into a numerical profile.

In order to do this, the tests on the strip are separated into groups of three and to each positive reaction a value equal to 1, 2 or 4 is attributed depending on the position of the test in its group, 1st, 2nd, 3rd respectively.

The addition of the 3 retained values (0 for negative reactions) gives a figure between 0 and 7 for each group.

Place the cursor in the field that you wish to fill in.

It is possible to directly enter :
  • "+", "-" or "?" in the upper fields of the strip. The corresponding figures will be displayed in the lower fields.
  • the figures (1-7) in the lower fields.
The (tab) keyboard key enables you to pass from a field to another.

The Reset button allows you to cancel the previous entry.

Once the fields have been filled in, click on the Submit button in order to display the results.
References and comments can be added to the results page.